27 May 2022
Bangladesh Floods: Your Donations in Action
Bangladesh has recently been hit by the biggest floods in 18 years, impacting a staggering 4.1 million people. Your donations are a lifeline to thousands of survivors, helping them get through the worst of the crisis:

Your donations are providing food packs with 10 days' worth of supplies, including rice, lentils, onions and potatoes. This means people don't have to worry about feeding themselves during the emergency, which may worsen if the rain continues upstream.

As well as food, we are giving out water purification tablets to protect people from illness. Many areas have been cut off by the floods, with people unable to move place to place, so your donations are a lifeline for them.

The Prophet (saw) said, 'Indeed, the believers are like a structure, each part strengthening the other' [Bukhari] - and in Bangladesh's hour of need, you reached out to strengthen people and give them essential support.

As the waters recede, our team can start repairing homes and constructing new ones, to help families recover from the crisis. We can't do this without your help.
JazakumAllahu khairan for all your donations so far! Please continue giving to families in Bangladesh and sharing this appeal with family and friends. May Allah (swt) reward you for supporting vulnerable people in our Ummah, amin!